Friday 29 May 2015

Bounty Lisa dumps atrocious Soul Jah Love

Mampara of the Century:SOUL JAH LOVE dumped by Wifey, BOUNTY LISA!
Errant Zim Dancehall problem child Soul Jah Love has separated from his wife, Bounty Lisa, a talented chanter in her own right.
Details about what led to the two to split are still sketchy but sources said the two had a series of misunderstanding and Bounty Lisa is now back at her parents’ home.
It is understood that Bounty Lisa could not take it any more as their plans always got wasted along the way.
She opened up to music promoter and businessman Esau Mupfumi on Wednesday afternoon seeking for pacification of their relationship.
Ndakanetsana naSoul, ndakadzokera kumba kwedu. Ndakashaya munhu wekuudza nyaya dzacho kuti tigadzirisane nekuti Soul haana munhu waanoterera( I had a fight with Soul, and I am now back at my parents’ place. I had no one to speak to about the issue because Soul does not listen to anyone),” wrote Bounty Lisa to Mupfumi as she sought mediation.
Bounty Lisa on Wednesday revealed to the reporter that all was NOT well and had moved out, though she refused to she more light.
“Let Soul tell you what happened. I am at our place and I do not know where he is,” said Bounty.
She said she was not prepared to meet Soul Jah Love when pressed for a meeting with reporters.
“Talk to him(Soul Jah Love), I don’t want to meet him. I am not at all prepared to meet him, tell me what you have deliberated when you see him,” she said.
When contacted for comment, the person who answered Soul Jah Loves phone said he did not know Soul Jah Love before hanging the phone.
The phone became unreachable after the that. “I do not know Soul Jah Love, my name is Thomas,” he said.
Soul Jah Love is always hogging the limelight for the wrong reasons, fighting other chanters, not showing up for shows, soiling his pants in public, incessant fights with his managers, not to forget the nasty incident in which he ran amok and chased fans with a knobkerrie in Mutare.
Word is that Prophet Makandiwa once prophesied that the young man’s fame would come to naught. This is sad given how the chanter had a troubled childhood. And what is even sadder is that he started out with  Bounty back when he had nothing and was sleeping on the floor in Mbare.

Wedding bells for Sulu....

Sulu Wedding on the Cards
Award-winning, dendera maestro, Suluman Chimbetu “popped the question” as he celebrated his 33rd birthday in style at the Private Lounge in the capital on Wednesday May 27, 2015. Upon arriving at the venue, one would not think it was mid-week, as cars were lined up along Harare Street as if it were a Friday night gig or some Saturday shutdown mission.
The highlight of the evening was when one of the event organisers, Mahwindo, during her speech said, “We congratulate you Sulu as you turn 33 years old today, may you continue to give us more good music and may the Lord bless you with more years. However, we are sick and tired of small things like these birthday parties, we want a wedding!”
At the mention of wedding the crowd broke into wild roars and all Sulu and wife could do was just smile.
Sulu later took to the stage, thanked all fellow musicians, fans, sponsors, promoters and his band for their love and support and then he spiced up the evening by responding to Mahwindo’s demand saying,
“Mahwindo I have heard your request and you leave me with no option but to ask my wife in the presence of all these people if she wants a wedding.” (as he knelt on both knees)
After Sulu’s request, his wife responded yes, much to the delight and riotous applause of the crowd who were packed into the downtown joint.
So in a few months’ time, we can expect a wedding for the ‘Sean Timba’ hitmaker.
The party was backed by heavy corporate support, as companies like Doves Funeral Services, Impala Car Rental, Savanna Tobacco, Anod Driving, ZINARA, Alpha and Omega, and Jive Zimbabwe, amongst many others, joined forces to celebrate another year of the dendera maestro.
When we entered the venue, we were then ushered into the VIP lounge where we mingled with the birthday boy and his lovely wife, alongside fellow musicians, promoters, and sponsors of the event.
In the lounge guests were treated to all sorts of snacks while those who wanted to irrigate themselves got their favourite drinks for free.
After nibbling and drinking in the lounge, it was now time for the birthday boy to go and party with his fans who were waiting for him in the main auditorium.
The thrilled fans broke out into cheers as Sulu and crew entered the room and assumed their seats, and then it was time to endure the ‘boring’ speeches. Fortunately, the speakers, kept their birthday messages short and sweet, except for just a few.
From there on, the party proceeded with Jah Prayzah dropping a track he wrote for Sulu’s birthday. His performance was followed by the cake cutting ceremony and energetic live performances from the likes of First Farai, Progress Chipfumo, Afrika Revenge, Tryson Chimbetu, and Peter Moyo, amongst many others.
Among the several cash gifts he received, Sulu walked away with a business stand worth $30K from a Bulawayo based businessman – a welcome addition from him and his blushing bride to be.

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Cheaters Watchout for Cheaters Zimbabwe

Zimbo launches ‘cheating partners investigations’ company!

A Harare man, Henry Chagonda, as launched a very lucrative ‘company’ which investigates spouses suspected to be involved in extra marital affairs.
According to Chagonda, his services are selling like hot buns and he has been smiling all the way to the bank ever since he started his ‘project.
He said that he started the ‘company’ after suspecting that his wife was cheating on him, she turned out to be innocent after his thorough investigations, but he then realised the idea was big bucks.
Now he is known as “Big Brother” and his tagline is “Do you suspect your partner is cheating?”
“So far I have had 13 cases where I caught partners cheating and many that had not been cheating,” he added.
The bulf of the cases that Chagonda deals with are from Harare with a few in in Gweru.
“We usually provide results withing two weeks on average. We provide photographs and video footage as well as a comprehensive report of time logs and movement patterns,” added Chagonda.
He has a team whose modus operandi is even more covert than that of notorious Harare tabloid H-Metro, he has a readily available team that digs dirt even in the dustbin of the suspected target!
“I employ seven people, four of them are guys and three are ladies,” he disclosed.
For ethical reasons, he declined to state the names of some of his clientele but he said that most exciting case so far had been about paternity.
“There was this businessman who suspected that his wife lied to him about one of their children’s paternity. However, when we got down to work, we established that actually all the three were not his children,” he added.
Such information is a deal breaker for most marriages but Chagonda says what happens after that is none of his concern.
“Our findings are privy to the client, what he or she chooses to do after that is none of our concern,” he added.
His services don’t come relatively cheap.
“I charge a non-refundable fee of $150. The average fee for a finished job is around $450,” he signed off.

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Lady B tears into Squanda

Lady B tears into Squanda
Lady Bee and Bhuru bwoyy
Talented female chanter Lady B has torn into fellow female chanter Lady Squanda in song.
Lady B says she does not fear anyone in the industry as long as the environment permits, saying she did not abscond the Sting contest she was scheduled to clash with Squanda.
The song has two versions, the raw and clean version Magaro chete and angova magano chete.
Lady B feels Squanda is belittling the industry by accepting peanuts which is detrimental to the growth of the industry. “She should never tell people kuti ndakatiza Sting. The issue was about money, I could not go to the show without knowing how much I was going to get and she goes on to accept that,” she said.
Lady Squander
She queried Squanda’s celebrity status saying its only fame but with nothing to show for it saying with the time she has been in the industry she can’t even afford an ex Jap car of her own.