Friday 30 October 2015

Am still up in my game: Kapfupi

Am still up in my game: Kapfupi

RECENTLY it has been the talk of the town that days have become dark for musician and actor Freddy Manjalima who is better known by his drama and music moniker Kapfupi – music has not proved to be a treasure trove that he hoped for and as a result he is barely able to put food on the table.
However, the comedian paints a different picture that makes a mockery of these claims.
While Kapfupi admits that few strike gold in Zimbabwe’s entertainment industry, he reveals that his experience as far as he is concerned has been rewarding.
In an interview with Sunday Leisure Kapfupi said he has been holding his own through live performances and is still featuring in comedies – he recently featured in a comedy called Mahlalela which also featured South African musician Freddy Gwala.
“I have not complained about the income I get from my music gigs neither have I said am going through a hard time to anyone. Everything is going perfectly fine and those who claim that am going through a hard time I do not think they ever came to my house and found no food on my table or my family suffering,” he said.
Even the media jumped on the bandwagon and reported that the 37-year-old was between a rock and a hard place and this saw him failing to launch an album last year. These trial and tribulations, reports say, forced the actor cum Sungura muso to contemplate abandoning music in order to concentrate on acting.
To Kapfupi all that is lies, damn lies.
“Music and drama are what define me and I will always be passionate about them. They are my full time profession and none of them is much more important than the other,” said Kapfupi.

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